Curriculum Vitae: Bart Ehrman
Degrees & Honors

Teaching Experience
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Religious Studies
- James A. Gray Distinguished Professor, 2003 –
- Department Chair, 2000 – 2006
- Professor, 1999 – 2003
- Bowman and Gordon Gray Professor, 1998-2001
- Director of Graduate Studies, 1996-99
- Associate Professor, 1994-99
- Assistant Professor, 1988-94

Rutgers University
Department of Religion
- Lecturer at the Rank of Assistant Professor, 1985-88
- Lecturer at the Rank of Instructor, 1984-85

Princeton Theological Seminary
- Instructor in New Testament Greek and Exegesis, 1985
Adjunct Appointments
Duke University, Department of Religion
- Adjunct Professor, 2000 – Current
- Visiting Assistant Professor, 1991
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Classics, 2005 –Current
Undergraduate Courses Taught
Graduate Courses Taught
Editorial & Professional Activities
(published by E. J. Brill; 2007- )
by Van Gorcum & Co. (2001-09)
HarperOne, 2014. Pp x+404.
• New York Times Bestseller List (Hardback Non-fiction).
Written, edited, and translated with Zlatko Plese.
• New York: Oxford University Press, 2014; pp. xviii + 324.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2013; pp. xviii + 462.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. x+628
San Francisco: HarperOne, 2012; pp. vi + 361.
• New York: Oxford University Press, 2011; pp. xii + 611.
San Francisco: HarperOne, 2011; pp. x + 311.
• New York Times Bestseller List (Hardback Non-fiction)
• Publishers Weekly Top 10 Book in Religion, 2011
San Francisco: HarperOne, 2009; pp. xii + 292/
• New York Times Bestseller List. Hardback Non-fiction. Paperpack Non-fiction
San Francisco: HarperOne, 2008. Pp. x+294.
• New York Times Bestseller List (Hardback Non-fiction)
• Translations: Polish, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese (two: Brazil and Portugal).
University Press, 2006. Pp. x+198.
• Translations: Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2006. Pp. x+406.
• Translations: Greek, Slovak, Czech, Portuguese, Romanian, Bulgarian; Italian, Russian, Spanish
• Translations: Greek, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, Norwegian, Indonesian, Bulgarian, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, German, Serbian
• Translations: Italian, Spanish, Korean, Bulgarian, Portuguese, French, Greek, Romanian
• Translations: Spanish, Danish, Chinese
Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. xii+ 436.
- “The Life of Brian and the Apocalyptic Jesus,” in Brian and Jesus, ed. Joan Taylor
(London: Bloomsbury; expected publication: August 2015). - Foreward to Jesus the Magician, 2nd ed., by Morton Smith (2014)
- “The Alternative Vision of the Gospel of Judas,” in The Gospel of Judas, ed.
Marvin Meyer et al. (Washington: National Geographic, 2006). - “Foreward,” to The Lost Gospel, by Herbert Krosney (Washington: National Geographic 2006)
- “Textual Traditions Compared: The New Testament and the Apostolic Fathers,” in The Reception
of the New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers (Oxford: University Press, 2005), pp. 9-27. - “Did Jesus Get Angry or Agonize?” Bible Review 21 (2005) pp. 16-26.
- “Hedrick’s Consensus on the Secret Gospel of Mark,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 11
(2003) pp. 155-64. - “A Leper in the Hands of an Angry Jesus,” New Testament Greek and Exegesis: Essays in Honor of
Gerald Hawthorne. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003; pp. 77-98. - “The Use of the Church Fathers in New Testament Textual Criticism,” The Bible As Book.
Grand Rapids: Scriptorium, 2003. - “Text and Interpretation: The Exegetical Significance of the ‘Original’ Text,” TC: A Journal of
Biblical Textual Criticism, 5 (2000). - “Text and Transmission: The Historical Significance of the ‘Altered’ Text,” TC: A Journal of
Biblical Textual Criticism, 5 (2000) - “A Critique of Encountering the New Testament by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough,”
Perspectives in Religion 27 (2000) pp. 253-62. - “The Text of the New Testament,” in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans; 1999.
- “Jesus as Apocalyptic Prophet,” Perspectives in Religion, 26 (1999) pp. 153-66.
- “The Text of the Gospels at the End of the Second Century,” in Acta Colloquii Lunelii: Codex Bezae
Cantabrigiensis. Ed. C. -B. Amphoux and D. C. Parker. New Testament Tools and Studies;
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996; pp. 95-122. - “Manuscripts and Meaning: The Textual Criticism of the New Testament,” for New Testament
Interpretation Today. Ed. Joel Green; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996; pp. 127-45. - Translation of “Die griechischen Minuskeln des Neuen Testaments,” by Barbara Aland and Kurt
Wachtel, in The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status
Quaestionis, ed. Bart D. Ehrman and Michael W. Holmes. Studies and Documents 46; Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1995; pp. 43-60. - “The Text as Window: New Testament Manuscripts and the Social History of Early Christianity,” in
The New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis, ed.
Bart D. Ehrman and Michael W. Holmes. Studies and Documents 46; Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 1995; pp. 361-79. - “The Use and Significance of Patristic Evidence in New Testament Textual Criticism,” in New
Testament Textual Criticism, Exegesis, and Church History: A Discussion of Methods, eds. B.
Aland and J. Delobel. Kampen, The Netherlands: Kok Pharos, 1994; pp. 118-35. - “Heracleon and the `Western’ Textual Tradition,” New Testament Studies, 40 (1994) pp. 465-86.
- “Heracleon, Origen, and the Text of the Fourth Gospel,” Vigiliae Christianae, 47 (1993) pp. 105-18.
- “The Theodotians as Corruptors of Scripture,” Studia Patristica, ed. Elizabeth A. Livingstone.
Louvain: Peeters; 1992; pp. 46-51. - “The Cup, the Bread, and the Salvific Death of Jesus in Luke-Acts,” Society of Biblical Literature
Seminar Papers. Atlanta: Scholars, 1991; pp. 576-91. - “The Text of Mark in the Hands of the Orthodox,” in Biblical Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective:
Essays in Honor of Karlfried Froehlich, ed. Mark Burrows and Paul Rorem. Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans; 1991; pp. 19 31. - “Cephas and Peter,” Journal of Biblical Literature, 109 (1990) pp. 463-74.
- “A Problem of Textual Circularity: The Alands on the Classification of New Testament Manuscripts,”
Biblica, 70 (1989) pp. 377-88. - “1 John 4:3 and the Orthodox Corruption of Scripture,” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche
Wissenschaft, 79 (1988) pp. 221-43. - “Jesus and the Adulteress,” New Testament Studies, 34 (1988) pp. 24-44.
- “Methodological Developments in the Analysis and Classification of New Testament Documentary
Evidence,” Novum Testamentum, 29 (1987) pp. 22 45. - “The Use of Group Profiles for the Classification of New Testament Documentary Evidence,”
Journal of Biblical Literature, 107 (1987) pp. 465-86. - “The New Testament Canon of Didymus,” Vigiliae Christianae, 37 (1983) pp. 1 21.
- “The Angel and the Agony: The Textual Problem of Luke 22:43 44,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly,
45 (1983) pp. 401 16 (co authored with Mark A. Plunkett). - “Jesus’ Trial Before Pilate: John 18:28 19:16,” Biblical Theology Bulletin, 13 (1983) pp. 124-31.
Book reviews
- Published in Journal of Biblical Literature
- Critical Review of Books in Religion
- Religious Studies Review
- Bible Review
- The American Historical Society
- Theology Today
- Patristics
- Catholic Biblical Quarterly
- Currents in Contemporary Christology
- Princeton Seminary Bulletin
Media Courses
The Teaching Company. July, 2005.
The Teaching Company. August, 2005.
The Teaching Company. June 2003
The Teaching Company. December, 2002.