A Brief Introduction to the New Testament
By Bart D. Ehrman
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: February 2004
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0195161238
ISBN-13: 978-0195161236
Format: Paperback, 424pp
Dimensions: 9 x 7.6 x 0.7 inches
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Featuring vibrant full color throughout, this new edition of A Brief Introduction to the New Testament is a concise version of Bart D. Ehrman’s best-selling The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, Fourth Edition. Retaining the approach of the longer textbook while condensing and simplifying much of its material, this volume looks at the New Testament from a consistently historical and comparative perspective and emphasizes the rich diversity of the earliest Christian literature. Distinctive to this study is its emphasis on the historical, literary, and religious milieux of the Greco-Roman world, including early Judaism.
A Brief Introduction to the New Testament, Second Edition, incorporates a wealth of pedagogical resources including an extensive text box program, study questions, maps, timelines, and more than seventy photos (including two photo essays). A comprehensive glossary contains more than 200 key terms; these terms appear in boldface type the first time they are used in each chapter and are also listed at the end of each chapter in which they appear. An updated Student Website contains chapter summaries, key terms, guides for reading, and self-quizzes. An accompanying Instructor’s Manual provides chapter summaries, pedagogical suggestions, and a test bank.
- Four new text boxes on fascinating topics: “The Gospel of Judas,” “Judas and the Roasting Chicken,” “What Did Paul Look Like?,” and “Was Jesus Married With Children?”
- A new photo essay on important Greek manuscripts of the New Testament
- Updated content reflecting recent scholarship and discoveries, including the Gospel of Judas Iscariot
- A revised discussion of the Acts of the Apostles, which now follows coverage of the Gospels and the historical Jesus
- A reorganization of material so that the Johannine epistles are discussed along
with the other epistles - Updated “Questions for Study and Reflection” and “Suggestions for Further Reading”
- Vivid full color throughout
Ideal for undergraduate and seminary classes in the New Testament, Biblical Studies, and Christian Origins, A Brief Introduction to the New Testament, Second Edition, is an engaging and accessible introduction that encourages students to consider the historical issues surrounding these writings.